School Community Council (SCC)
What is the SCC?
Our School Community Council (SCC) is a group of parents/guardians, employees, and administrators tasked with improving the educational programs and conditions within Innovations Early College High School. This includes, but is not limited to, serving in an advisory capacity and oversight to the administration and school board, developing the School LAND Trust Plan to guide the spending of LAND Trust funds disbursed annually, and developing a School Improvement Plan.
How Do I Get Involved with the SCC?
Everyone with a student enrolled at Innovations is welcome and encouraged to join.
Join Teams Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 7631 9358
Passcode: 996346
Download Teams | Join on the web
When we come back to the school, meetings will change to being in the multi-purpose rooms at Innovations. Individual meeting dates may be changed with a majority vote. The council is seated in September, with additions throughout the academic year if space is available. Please contact the Chair or Vice-Chair if you have questions about joining the SCC as a voting member.
School LAND Trust Award for 2024-2025: $43,076.54
Tim Phillips
Becky Cisneros
2024-2025 Members
Rules and Procedures
School Land Trust Plans and Report
School Improvement Plan
School LAND Trust Public Reports Link.